Calculate Your Electricity Bill with Easy Ways

Calculate Your Electricity Bill in Pakistan Even in this digital era, people still read their electricity bills manually. As we know, meter reading in Pakistan is a humanitarian process. There are possibilities of inconsistencies and human errors.

Some power users like to keep themselves updated daily to make these possibilities impossible. Check your meter reading daily and determine the electricity bill before you reach your doorstep. Checking the meter reading also helps you consider the usage of your electricity bill.

How to Calculate Your Electricity Bill

To calculate your electricity bill, you need to understand the energy consumption of each appliance and electronic media in your home. In a normal world, estimating your electricity usage would be as straightforward as looking at an itemized grocery receipt.

You will be able to understand how much you spent on running the dishwasher, washing clothes, watching TV, and using hot water for a month.

We’re getting closer to this technology with each passing day, but if you currently need device-by-device analysis, you’ll need to do some mathematics.


Read more: What Is Bill Adjustment In Electricity Bill

Electricity Consumption

Electricity usage is calculated based on the number of units of electricity your household has consumed during the billing period, which is usually one month. Your electricity meter outside your home provides a reading of the number of units being used at any given time. Typically, the reading reads the total usage since the installation date.

Meter reading in Pakistan is done by different meter readers which are assigned to different areas of the cities. The date of meter checking/reading is usually posted on top of the electricity bill. Also, the current billing month, issue date, and due date are listed above.

Note: Please note that the computerized version of the bill or the WAPDA online bill is regularly available a few days before the distribution of the printed version to households.

Three Ways to Calculating Your Bill

Here are the three strategies for calculating your bill. We’ll go through these three methods and give tips on how to cut your costs.

Use an Online Electricity Bill Estimator Calculator

The most effective and cheapest way to estimate your electricity bill is to use an online calculator. Easy-to-use electric bill calculators can help you figure out what appliances you have in your home. These calculators use national averages to estimate your costs and require very little information to use. The downside is that they aren’t as accurate as calculators that let you enter more data about your usage.

For a more accurate estimate, we recommend using an individual appliance energy calculator and then adding up the costs. Appliance calculators allow you to enter things like the size of your appliance and how often you use it each month. While this method will require a bit more time and math, it’s still the easiest way to get an accurate reading of how much electricity you’re using each month.

Calculate Your Monthly Electricity Bill Manually

The most accurate and least effort way to calculate your electricity bill is to add up your usage costs manually.

This procedure requires you to know some formulas. Before we dive into these formulas, it can be helpful to have a high-level understanding of how you’re calculating expenses.

Cost of electricity = (how much you use your appliance) x (how much electricity your appliance uses) x (how much electricity costs when you are using it)

The formulas you will need to know to manually calculate your electricity bill are:

Watts = (amps) x (volts)
Kilowatt hours = (watts) x (usage) / 1000
Cost = (kilowatt hours) x (electricity rate)

First Step to Manually Calculating your Electricity Bill is to Compile a list of all your Major Appliances

You’ll want to make sure you include the appliances that use the most electricity in your calculations.

  •  HVAC systems
  •  Air conditioner unit and space heater
  •  Water heaters
  • Laundry machines and dryers
  • Refrigerators
  • TV
  • Dishwashers
  • Lighting
  • Electric ovens and stoves.

Once You have a list of all your Major Appliances, you need to Calculate Their Wattage

Wattage measures how much electricity is used per second by an appliance, and is measured in watts.

Look on the back of the appliance or in the manual to see if you can find the watts. If you don’t see a number for wattage, you’ll need to calculate it by multiplying Amps by Volts (most appliances include this information). And if you can’t find volts or amps, you can also try googling your appliance model to determine the wattage.

Once you’ve got the Wattage, the next step is to Determine how often you’re using Each Appliance Per Month

Try to give as accurate an estimate as possible. Keep in mind that you may use some appliances like your AC for different periods depending on the weather. You will need to calculate your bill for both summer and winter.

Next, you’ll need to know the electricity rates in your state

Electricity rates depend on some factors, including the state you’re in, the time of day, and demand. Since electricity rates can fluctuate greatly throughout the day, we recommend using your state’s average which can be easily found online.

The last step is to add all the variables to the equation

For each appliance, multiply the wattage by your usage. Then multiply your usage by your state electricity rate. Finally, add up all the equipment costs.

*Remember to divide the wattage by 1000 to do all your calculations in kilowatts. The cost of the electricity bill is calculated in kilowatt-hours.

Calculating your electricity bill manually can be time-consuming, but it’s the most accurate way to estimate your monthly electricity usage. This is the best strategy if you want to understand your electricity costs and usage. You’ll be able to determine exactly which appliances in your home are using the most electricity so you can start identifying the best ways to save.

Use a Power Usage Monitoring Device

Power monitoring devices will give you an accurate reading of your power usage with little effort. But this estimate comes at a cost.

The best power monitoring devices can cost you $100. Of course, in the long run, this monitor will help you save money because you’ll be able to see which devices are using the most energy and you can try to limit that use. Not to mention, power monitors will save you a lot of time. Top-of-the-line monitors can send you information and data about your electricity usage straight to your smartphone.

If you don’t mind the upfront cost, you might want to invest in a power monitor—they’re powerful devices that can help you unlock insights into your power habits and track your power consumption. The agency can help take on the use of

Tips to Reduce Your Electricity Costs

Calculating your electricity bill is helpful for a variety of reasons. If you are looking to rent an apartment, knowing your expected apartment electricity costs will allow you to get the full picture so you can budget. Another great benefit of understanding your electricity bill is that you can start to identify areas to save money and reduce your overall electricity usage. Find out which devices are the most expensive for you and plan to limit your use. Many low-effort (or high-effort, if you prefer) energy-efficiency home improvements can go a long way toward lowering your bill.

For more tips, check out our ultimate guide on how to unlock savings on your electricity bill.

Save With Solar Energy

Clean energy technology has seen many advances over the past twenty years. The result is that renewable energy supplies are now more accessible and affordable than ever before. And everyday energy consumers are well-positioned to take advantage of these options.

Install solar panels

We’ll start with the most expensive option. If you have the budget and roof for solar, installing your own panels is a great way to lower the cost of your utility bill. You’ll likely be able to cover your entire electricity bill and more.

Sign up for community solar—no rooftop panels required

Community Solar is a program designed to make the financial benefits of solar energy accessible to everyday homeowners. This program is for the 80% of Americans who are unable to install solar panels on their roofs.

Community Solar is a subscription-based program where you subscribe to a solar farm near your home. Instead of putting panels on your roof, you support a solar farm near you, enabling it to operate and promoting clean energy production in your community. In return for your contribution, you receive a solar credit on your utility bill that reduces the amount you owe for electricity each month. It’s a win! You save money and support clean energy at the same time!


Electricity bill prices in Pakistan are increasing day by day, but you can control it by reading and calculating manually. We have shared with you the best way to calculate your electricity bill in Pakistan. If you need any assistance regarding the GEPCO bill, please contact us here.

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